from behind these eyes black and white photography views from the parking lot people marking passage miss-takes dis-tractions self portraits

Views From The Parking Lot

Life is be so busy that I often miss it as I race along from one commitment to another. Sometimes I lose the singularity of place that is anywhere and everywhere. If I stop for a just moment, step out of the day's static and feel a sense of balance, mystery and sometimes beauty can be found. Small marvels to be seen everywhere if I can simply stop .... even in those fallow places where I leave my automobile. These invite me to take a closer look. Not one of my best attributes, but I try to do what I am told. Closer and closer until the subject begins to wobble on the fence of reality between two identities. I make the exposures. The photographs are punctuations in my process of seeing...


"Diversity" - Metro parking lot, Landover, MD, 2012
"The Monster and the Wizard" - METRO parking lot New Carrollton, MD, 2012
"Synapse"- Metro parking lot, Landover, MD, 2017
"Pi" - Anonymous parking lot, Laurel, MD, 2016
"Umbilical" - Doctors Hospital, Seabrook, MD, 2011
"Haley's Comet Over The Waves" - College Park, MD, 2017
"Wee One Born To Hunt" - Some Parking Lot Some Where Else" Bowie,"In Line Up #2" - Sacred Heart Cemetery Bowie, MD, Digital 2017 MD
"Dreams of Conquest" - Blacktop In Front of Tom's House, Bowie, MD, Digital 2017
"Sleeping Under The Stars - Land Hills, MD, Digital 2017
"The Sky Is Falling" - Landover Hills, MD, Digital 2016
"Bald Dad Holding Skinny Blue Baby" - Landover Metro 2017
"The Troll Under The Bridge" - Lanham Home Depot, 2020
"Predator's Smile" - Lanham Home Depot, 2020
"Singing To The Rising Moon" - Handicap Parking, 2021
"Walking The Dog" - "Views" Series Tom's River, NJ, 2020
"Blue Grasshoper" - Planned Parenthood parking lot, 2014
"Nerve Synapse" - Annapolis, MD, 2016
"In Flight" - Bowie store at Lowe's, MD 2021
"Walk On" - Chicago, IL, 2016
"High Water" - Medical Building, Greenbelt, MD, 2022
"Modern Dance in Black" - Dr. Tom's parking space, 2016
"Pete and Repeat" - Planned Parenthood parking lot, Landover, MD, 2014
"Crossroads" - 50's Strip Mall Parking Lot, Old Maryland Route 40, 2016
"Handy" - Lowe's Bowie, MD, 2018
"Cosmic Gumshoe" - Ace Hardware Lot, 2018
"Metamorphosis" - Ace Hardware Store, Des Moines, IA, 2016
"High Water" - Medical Building Greenbelt, MD, 2022
"Storm Trooper" - No Clue of Date or Place"
"Bald Dad Holding Skinny Blue Baby" - Landover Metro 2017
"Dreams of Conquest" - Blacktop in front of Tom's House 2017
"Pi" - Anonymous parking lot, Laurel, MD, 2016
"Diversity" - Metro Parking Lot, Landover, MD, 2012
"Cosmic Paint" - Walmart Parking Lot, Sanduscki, Ohio 2020
"One Very Hot Day on Pennsylvania Ave NW" - 2009, Scanned from 6 x 7 CD
"First Encounter" - Prince George's Community College Parking Lot, 2015. Leaving class late into an empty paring lot I found this scene and realized that even the most boring and seemingly void of visual stimuli.
Wee One
"Crossroads" - 50's Strip Mall Parking Lot, Old Maryland Route 40, 2016
"The Monster and the Wizard" - METRO parking lot, New Carrollton, MD, 2012
"Umbilical" - Doctors Hospital, Seabrook, MD, 2011